Monday, February 4, 2013

The Beginning

My future child, 

This is new beginning. It's a new year. It's a new phase in our life and in your father and my marriage. We have not conceived you yet. We have decided that after three years you are a possibility we both want. There things outside of our control that are keeping from making trying to make you immediately. The economy is terrible and has been for so long it's hard to imagine it's coming back up anytime soon. The current president isn't the best we've had though history in public opinion will paint him to be the messiah that was rejected for being black. He is our first black president. He is now in his second term. Your father and I are not really supporters of his. That's enough for now about politics. We consider ourselves followers of Christ. We love you already even though you are not of flesh and blood yet. I don't really know what tell you about us that you won't find out when you eventually arrive. Your father is head strong, stubborn, a little hot tempered from time to time, but one thing you'll quickly about this world is no one is perfect. I'm a lot like your dad. I'm more mild though. I'm just as spoiled and stubborn and moody as he is. I love him more than anything except God. Someday you'll learn that's how it's supposed to be. Your father is the same way. He is the only earthly treasure I will have in Heaven as well. We have started out with nothing and 3 years later we still don't have much of anything. We lived in a tent for a year in family's backyard because we had no where else to go. We've lived in a roach infested efficiency apartment. We've lived with your dad's best friend's mother. We've been through, fought through, and learned things that take most marriages 10+ years to learn. Right now the statistics are only 50% of marriages will last a year. Even less last the 2nd year. We just made past our third year. We both plan on being together for life. I know that for me he's it. There will never be another man like him. We are native Texans like you will be. You will learn a love of country, state, God, guns, liberty, and family. You will learn to proficiently handle and operate a firearm, whether I like it or not. I do not object to guns. They are fun but he wants to start you off younger than I am comfortable with. Well if I keep going on as I have been I won't have any letters left to share with you. Yes. This as much as I should say for now. 

With love,

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